Publishing Project

Publish Your Project in Just 3 Easy Steps


Upload Graphics, Videos and Text

Whatever you can think of that will convince others to support your project - simply upload your presentation, however simple or complex - it's YOUR chance to show everyone what you have to offer.


Pre-View Your Project

View your project EXACTLY how others will see it when it goes live - then make any edits necessary - this leaves no chance for errors on your part.


Put Your Project LIVE

With just one click, your project will be LIVE for everyone world-wide to view and support - this means send YOU money and promote your project to earn affiliate sales commissions.

More Information

Convenient for YOUR Project

We are doing our best, to make My Selling Machine convenient for as many types of Projects as possible.

Reliable Payments

By using Cryptocurrencies and Perfect Money, you can basically receive payments for your project from any country in the world. In addition, because we are NOT governed by any specific governmental organization, we are open to a variety of other payment options - to make sure you can receive the money that My Selling Machine generates for you.

Flexible Affiliate System

Our powerful affiliate system allows you to quickly choose how much you want to reward affiliates for their efforts in making your project a success - up to 5 levels of referral commissions possible, allowing you to effectively motivate affiliates to promote YOUR project.

Levels of Trust

Upon submission of your project, a Certificate of Trust will be assigned - to help others trust that the money generated by your project ultimate helps the intended recipient(s), thereby increasing the potential revenue for your project.

More Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of projects can I add to My Selling Machine?


One of the most obvious types of projects that can be effectively marketed is the Crowdfunding Type - any new or existing Crowdfunding project (even when already published on other websites) added to My Selling Machine can give you an incredible boost in Internet Presence and Revenue by leveraging the power of cryptocurrencies and affiliate marketing.

Start-Up Companies:

If you need money for an idea you have been wanting to launch, now is your chance.

Cryptocurrency Offerings:

Are you launching a new Cryptocurrency Coin? Use the power of affiliate marketing to reach more people quickly - if you have a great project, then My Selling Machine will make it even more successful.

Products and Services:

Use the power of Affiliate Marketing and Cryptocurrencies to get your Products and Service seen and paid for - no matter what you offer, My Selling Machine can help you.


If you want to reach more people faster about information they need to know, then start using our system today!


Get your message out to those who need to know quickly - your project could make a huge difference!


Do you need to get out a message to the masses that could help them? Then just enter your project and see the positive effects quickly.

Any Controversial Topic:

Any topic that you feel could bring you any type of satisfaction, money-wise or other - get started today!

Anything You Can Think Of:

With My Selling Machine, the sky is the limit - what are your ideas?

Only when you finalize the project by clicking on the button, "Publish" are projects able to be viewed, promoted or receive payments.